All Your Dental Needs at One Place

Comprehensive Oral Examination

Your initial oral examination includes a visual examination, charting, periodontal probing, and diagnosing and treatment recommendations. We will also take x-rays, which includes the full mouth x-ray for proper diagnosis of the anterior (front) and posterior (back) teeth as well as the bitewing x-ray series for proper diagnosis of proximal decay of posterior teeth.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Periodontal Treatment

You should have a standard cleaning at least twice a year. A periodontal treatment includes an Adult Prophy (basic cleaning). If it has been over a year since your last cleaning, possible treatment will include either Periodontal Scaling (a deeper cleaning) or Root Planning and Scaling (requires anesthetic).

Teeth bleaching

Zoom In-office whitening will get your teeth white in less than an hour. Another option is our home bleaching system you take with you for results in 2 weeks. You can also consider a combination program of both systems for optimal, long-term results.


The procedure gets its name because materials are bonded to the tooth. Bonding is typically used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of a discolored or chipped tooth. It is also used to close spaces between teeth, to make teeth look longer or to change the shape or color of teeth.


Sealants work by filling in the crevasses on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This shuts out food particles that could get caught in the teeth, causing cavities.


You can have a new smile with all-porcelain crowns on the anterior teeth. For the posterior, we use ceramic and porcelain fused to metal crowns. Crowns are synthetic caps, usually made of a material like porcelain, placed on the top of a tooth. Crowns are also used to attach bridges, cover implants, prevent a cracked tooth from becoming worse, or an existing filling is in jeopardy of becoming loose or dislocated. Crowns also serve an aesthetic use, and are applied when a discolored or stained tooth needs to be restored to its natural appearance.


A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. There are two types of fillings available. Composite filling are a tooth-colored filling that are light-cured to match your teeth. Amalgam filings are silver-colored fillings, which are a more durable material.

Computerized Shade Matching

Our office uses computerized shade matching to make restorations that perfectly match the color of your natural teeth. Old methods of shade matching can be inaccurate and inconsistent. Our shade matching system is a small hand-held device that captures tooth hue, value and chroma to create precise color matches. With this technology, you can be confident that your restorations will beautifully match your natural teeth.


A bridge is a fixed dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth (or several teeth) by joining an artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants.

Night Guard

A night guard is a protective device for the mouth that covers the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injury to the teeth, arches, lips and gums. A night guard is most often used for clenching and grinding also known as bruxism or TMD.


A dental extraction is the removal of teeth from the dental socket in the lining of the tooth socket. Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become un-restorable through tooth decay, periodontal disease or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache.

Root Canal

Root canal treatment is needed when an injury or a large cavity damages the tooth’s root. The root becomes infected or inflamed. The dentist numbs the tooth. An opening is made through the crown or chewing surface of the tooth to the pulp chamber. We perform root canals on anterior, premolar and molar teeth. If necessary, the drilled hole is temporarily filled until a permanent seal is made with a crown.

Root canal therapy usually entails one to three visits. Most patients who have root canal experience little or no discomfort or pain, and enjoy a restored tooth that can last almost as long as its healthy original.


For missing teeth, we can make dentures or removable partials for you. Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position.

Complete or full dentures are made when all of your natural teeth are missing. You can have a full denture on your upper or lower jaw, or both.

Removable partial dentures usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases, which are connected by metal framework. Removable partial dentures attach to your natural teeth with metal clasps or devices called precision attachments.


A dental implant is a surgical piece that is lined with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor.

Dental implants are a safe, esthetic alternative to traditional crowns, bridgework, and dentures. Because implant restorations look and feel more like natural teeth, they offer new levels of comfort, security and confidence life to patients with restorative needs.

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